Bahria Town

Phase 7 Rawalpindi.



Mon-Sat 11:00am to 9:00pm

Sunday: Closed


Gingivectomy is a dental procedure that involves removing excess gum tissue to improve gum health and aesthetics. At Curedentalclinic, our skilled dentists perform precise and personalized gingivectomies to create a balanced and appealing gumline.

What Exactly Is


Gingivectomy is a dental procedure aimed at improving the health of the gums and treating certain gum conditions. It involves the surgical removal of excess gum tissue or overgrown gums that may be causing issues such as gum disease, gum pockets, or a “gummy” smile. At Curedentalclinic, we understand the importance of maintaining healthy gums for overall oral well-being. Our experienced dental professionals use advanced techniques to perform precise and minimally invasive gingivectomies, ensuring patient comfort and optimal results.

During a gingivectomy, our skilled dentists carefully remove the targeted gum tissue, effectively eliminating pockets where harmful bacteria can thrive. This procedure not only addresses existing gum problems but also helps prevent future issues, such as gum recession and bone damage. With our state-of-the-art facilities and patient-centric approach, we provide a safe and efficient gingivectomy experience for our valued patients.

At Curedentalclinic, we prioritize patient education and engagement. Before performing any procedure, our dental team takes the time to explain the process, its benefits, and potential risks, allowing our patients to make informed decisions about their oral health. Our commitment to personalized care ensures that each gingivectomy is tailored to the unique needs of the individual, fostering better gum health and a confident smile.

With a focus on patient comfort and satisfaction, Curedentalclinic is your destination for high-quality dental care, including specialized procedures like gingivectomy. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to delivering exceptional results and helping you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime. Experience the difference of expert care and cutting-edge techniques at Curedentalclinic.

Gingivectomy Procedure

During a gingivectomy procedure, several steps are involved to ensure the successful removal of excess gum tissue and improve overall gum health. Here is a brief overview of the procedure:

Examination and Diagnosis:

Our skilled dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your gums to assess the extent of the problem and determine the areas that require treatment. X-rays may be taken to evaluate the underlying bone structure.


Local anesthesia will be administered to numb the treatment area and ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. Sedation options may also be available for anxious or apprehensive patients.

Incision and Removal:

Using precise surgical instruments, the dentist will make small incisions in the targeted areas of the gums to access the excess tissue. The overgrown or diseased gum tissue will be carefully removed to achieve the desired gum contour.

Gum Contouring and Shaping:

The dentist will meticulously reshape and contour the remaining gum tissue to create a balanced and aesthetically pleasing gumline. This step aims to achieve an optimal balance between the gums and teeth.

Hemostasis and Closure:

To control bleeding, the dentist will apply pressure or use specialized techniques to ensure proper hemostasis. Sutures may be used to close the incisions and promote healing.

Post-Procedure Care:

After the gingivectomy, you will receive instructions on how to care for your gums during the healing process. This may include avoiding certain foods, practicing good oral hygiene, and attending follow-up appointments for monitoring.

Please note that the specific steps and techniques may vary depending on your unique situation and the expertise of the dental professional performing the procedure. It’s essential to consult with your dentist at Curedentalclinic to receive personalized guidance and care tailored to your needs.


You can request an appointment via completing the form below. Our staff will get back to you with availability best matched to your request. If you have a dental emergency
please call us at: +92-300-1533570

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