Bahria Town

Phase 7 Rawalpindi.



Mon-Sat 11:00am to 9:00pm

Sunday: Closed

Root Planing

Root planing is a crucial procedure for treating gum disease and improving oral health. At Curedentalclinic, our skilled dental professionals use specialized techniques to remove bacteria and smooth the tooth roots, promoting healing and preventing further infection. Experience effective gum disease treatment and optimal oral health with our comprehensive root planing procedure.
Root Planing

What Exactly Is

Root Planing

Root planing is a non-surgical dental procedure aimed at treating gum disease and preventing its progression. At Curedentalclinic, we offer this specialized treatment to our patients who have gum disease or exhibit signs of early gum problems. Root planing involves thoroughly cleaning the root surfaces of your teeth to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria that have accumulated below the gumline.

During a root planing procedure, our experienced dental hygienists or dentists use specialized instruments to access and clean the root surfaces of your teeth. This process not only eliminates harmful bacteria but also helps to smooth the rough surfaces of the tooth roots. By doing so, it prevents bacteria from easily adhering to the roots, reducing the risk of future gum infections.

At Curedentalclinic, we prioritize the comfort and well-being of our patients. Our dental professionals are skilled in performing root planing procedures with precision and care, ensuring a positive experience for our patients. If you have gum disease symptoms such as bleeding, swollen gums, or persistent bad breath, our dental team will conduct a thorough examination and recommend the appropriate treatment, which may include root planing to restore your oral health.

Don’t let gum disease compromise your smile and overall health. Visit Curedentalclinic for comprehensive dental care, including effective root planing treatments. Our team is committed to providing personalized care and helping you achieve optimal oral health for a lifetime. Schedule an appointment today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile.

Root Planing Procedure

During a root planing procedure, our skilled dental professionals at Curedentalclinic follow a detailed process to effectively treat gum disease and promote optimal oral health. Here is an overview of the root planing procedure:

Evaluation and assessment:

Our dental team will conduct a thorough examination of your teeth and gums, including assessing the severity of gum disease. This may involve measuring the depth of periodontal pockets, taking X-rays, and evaluating your overall oral health.

Local anesthesia:

To ensure your comfort throughout the procedure, a local anesthetic will be administered to numb the treatment area. This helps to minimize any discomfort or sensitivity during the process.


The first step in root planing is scaling, where our dental professionals use specialized instruments to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria from the tooth surfaces and below the gumline. This process helps eliminate the source of infection and promotes the healing of gum tissues.

Root surface smoothing: After scaling, our dental team will carefully smooth the rough surfaces of the tooth roots. This procedure, also known as root planing, helps to remove any remaining bacteria and creates a clean and smooth surface that discourages bacteria from adhering to the roots.

Antibacterial rinse:

To further disinfect the treated area, an antibacterial rinse may be used to flush out any remaining bacteria and promote healing.

Follow-up care:

After the root planing procedure, our dental professionals will provide instructions for proper oral hygiene and post-treatment care. This may include recommendations for specific oral care products, regular follow-up appointments, and maintenance visits to monitor your progress.

At Curedentalclinic, we are committed to providing comprehensive periodontal care and ensuring your comfort and satisfaction throughout the root planing procedure. Our skilled dental team utilizes advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to deliver effective results and improve your gum health.

Please note that the specific steps and details of the root planing procedure may vary depending on individual needs and the severity of gum disease. It’s always best to consult with our dental professionals for a personalized assessment and treatment plan tailored to your unique oral health needs.


You can request an appointment via completing the form below. Our staff will get back to you with availability best matched to your request. If you have a dental emergency
please call us at: +92-300-1533570

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