Bahria Town

Phase 7 Rawalpindi.



Mon-Sat 11:00am to 9:00pm

Sunday: Closed


At Curedentalclinic, we specialize in apicoectomy, a surgical procedure performed to treat persistent issues following a root canal. Our experienced team uses advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure successful outcomes. Trust us for precise and personalized care to preserve your natural tooth.

What Exactly Is


Apicoectomy, also known as root-end surgery, is a dental procedure performed to save a tooth that has an infected or inflamed root tip (apex) and cannot be effectively treated with traditional root canal therapy. At Curedentalclinic, we offer this specialized treatment to address persistent infections or complications that may arise after a root canal procedure.

During an apicoectomy, the infected or damaged portion of the tooth’s root tip is removed along with any surrounding infected tissue. The end of the root is then sealed to prevent further infection. This procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort.

Our experienced team at Curedentalclinic is well-versed in performing apicoectomies with precision and care. We utilize state-of-the-art technology and adhere to strict sterilization protocols to ensure a safe and successful procedure. Our focus is on delivering exceptional dental care and preserving your natural teeth whenever possible.

If you are experiencing persistent pain or swelling in a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment, an apicoectomy may be the solution to save the tooth and alleviate discomfort. At Curedentalclinic, we are committed to providing personalized treatment plans that cater to your specific needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes for your oral health. Trust our skilled professionals for advanced apicoectomy procedures to help you maintain a healthy and beautiful smile.

Apicoectomy Procedure

During an apicoectomy, the procedure starts with administering local anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the process. Then, a small incision is made in the gum tissue near the tooth to access the underlying bone and root. The infected or damaged portion of the root tip is carefully removed, along with any surrounding infected tissue. In some cases, a small filling may be placed in the end of the root to seal it off and prevent further infection.

After the removal of the infected tissue, the area is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. The incision is then sutured back together, promoting proper healing. You may be given specific post-operative instructions, including medication to manage any discomfort and guidelines for oral hygiene and diet.

At Curedentalclinic, we understand the importance of precision and attention to detail during an apicoectomy. Our experienced dental professionals utilize advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the highest level of care and successful outcomes. We prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout the procedure.

If you are experiencing persistent symptoms or complications following a root canal treatment, an apicoectomy may be recommended to effectively treat the underlying issue and preserve your natural tooth. Our skilled team at Curedentalclinic is dedicated to providing exceptional dental care, and we will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your specific needs.


You can request an appointment via completing the form below. Our staff will get back to you with availability best matched to your request. If you have a dental emergency
please call us at: +92-300-1533570

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