Bahria Town

Phase 7 Rawalpindi.



Mon-Sat 11:00am to 9:00pm

Sunday: Closed

before and after dental filling before and after dental filling

Before & After Dental Filling

Prepare for your dental filling journey with essential insights at Cure Dental Clinic, home to the best dentists in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Before opting for dental fillings, our expert team conducts thorough consultations, ensuring a tailored approach to your oral health needs. Discover the comprehensive range of filling options, from traditional amalgam to advanced tooth-colored alternatives, each chosen with meticulous consideration for aesthetics and functionality. Our skilled dentists prioritize patient education, providing in-depth information about the filling process, materials used, and expected outcomes. Navigate the pre-filling assessment, understanding the significance of cavity preparation and the role of anesthesia for a comfortable experience. Benefit from the combined expertise of the best dental clinic in Rawalpindi and Islamabad, where precision meets compassionate care. Schedule a consultation to explore your personalized treatment plan and embark on a journey to optimal oral health with Cure Dental Clinic.

Scaling and Polishing Before and After Pictures

Things to Know Before Dental Filling

Embark on Your Journey to a Brighter Smile

Discover the transformative power of dental fillings at Cure Dental Clinic, renowned for having the best dentist in Rawalpindi and the best dental clinic in Islamabad. Before choosing dental fillings, gain crucial insights to make informed decisions for your oral health.

1. Expert Consultation is Crucial
Initiate your dental filling journey with a comprehensive consultation from our experienced dentists. Understand the nuances of your oral health, discuss expectations, and address any concerns you may have about the dental filling procedure.

2. Tailored Treatment Plans
Your smile is unique, and so is our approach. Explore how our dentists customize dental filling treatments to seamlessly blend with your natural teeth, ensuring both aesthetics and functionality.

3. Material Options and Considerations
Navigate through the array of dental filling materials, from traditional to advanced tooth-colored options. Learn about the benefits and considerations specific to each material, empowering you to make the right choice.

4. Clear Financial Overview
Transparency matters. Get a clear overview of the costs associated with dental fillings, inquire about potential insurance coverage, and explore available financing options. We believe in keeping you well-informed at every step.

5. Step-by-Step Procedure Insights
Demystify the dental filling process by understanding each step. From cavity preparation to the role of anesthesia, our detailed insights ensure you know what to expect during and after the procedure.

6. Post-Filling Care Guidelines
Learn about essential aftercare to maintain the longevity and effectiveness of your dental fillings. Our guidelines empower you to embrace a lasting and healthy smile post-procedure.

7. Patient Testimonials for Assurance
Explore stories from patients who have experienced dental fillings at Cure Dental Clinic. Gain valuable insights into their experiences and outcomes, providing assurance as you embark on your journey.

8. FAQs and Your Concerns Addressed
Anticipate your queries by delving into our frequently asked questions section. Find detailed answers to common concerns about dental fillings, ensuring you’re well-prepared.

9. Schedule Your Appointment Today
Ready to enhance your smile with dental fillings from the best dentist in Rawalpindi and the best dental clinic in Islamabad? Contact us to schedule an appointment. Our expert team is dedicated to guiding you through the process and addressing any additional questions you may have.

At Cure Dental Clinic, we believe that informed decisions lead to confident smiles. Explore the world of dental fillings with us.


Things to Know After Dental Filling

Ensuring Your Smile’s Radiance: Post-Dental Filling Insights

Celebrate the newfound vibrancy of your smile after undergoing dental fillings at Cure Dental Clinic, distinguished for housing the best dentist in Rawalpindi and being the best dental clinic in Islamabad. To ensure the lasting impact of your dental fillings, acquaint yourself with these vital post-procedure insights.

1. Embrace Post-Filling Sensations
It’s normal to experience mild sensitivity or discomfort after dental fillings. Understand that these sensations are temporary and typically subside within a few days. If prolonged or severe, promptly consult our expert team.

2. Adhering to Aftercare Recommendations
Follow the aftercare guidelines provided by our dentists diligently. This includes proper oral hygiene practices, avoiding extremely hot or cold foods, and adhering to any prescribed medications. These measures contribute to the longevity of your dental fillings.

3. Monitor Bite and Contact Points
Be attentive to your bite and contact points. If you notice any irregularities or discomfort while chewing, contact us promptly for an assessment. Adjustments may be necessary to ensure optimal comfort and functionality.

4. Attend Follow-Up Appointments
Scheduled follow-up appointments are crucial for evaluating the success of your dental fillings. Attend these appointments as recommended by our dentists to address any emerging concerns and ensure your continued oral health.

5. Maintain Regular Dental Checkups
Continue with regular dental checkups to monitor the overall health of your teeth and catch any potential issues early. Our comprehensive examinations contribute to the sustained success of your dental fillings.

6. Hydration and Oral Health Go Hand in Hand
Stay adequately hydrated to support overall oral health. Water helps flush away bacteria and debris, promoting a clean and healthy oral environment. Combine this with consistent oral hygiene practices for optimal results.

7. Patience is Key
The full benefits of dental fillings may take a short period to manifest. Exercise patience during this transition, and if you have any concerns or questions, feel free to reach out to our experienced dental team.

8. Patient Testimonials: Real Stories, Real Confidence
Explore testimonials from patients who have undergone dental fillings at Cure Dental Clinic. Their real stories offer insights into the transformative impact of the procedure and provide reassurance about the post-filling experience.

9. FAQs for Informed Decision-Making
Delve into our frequently asked questions section for post-dental filling insights. Address common concerns and be well-informed about what to expect during the recovery phase.

10. Schedule Post-Procedure Check-ins
If you have any lingering questions or if new concerns arise, don’t hesitate to schedule post-procedure check-ins with our dental team. Your peace of mind and ongoing satisfaction are our priorities.

Embark on the journey of post-dental filling care with confidence, guided by the expertise of the best dentist in Rawalpindi and the best dental clinic in Islamabad—Cure Dental Clinic.


Get in Touch

You can request an appointment via completing the form below. Our staff will get back to you with availability best matched to your request. If you have a dental emergency please call us at: +92-300-1533570