Bahria Town

Phase 7 Rawalpindi.



Mon-Sat 11:00am to 9:00pm

Sunday: Closed

Cyst Biopsy/Removal

Discover effective cyst biopsy/removal procedures at Curedentalclinic. Our skilled dental team ensures precise and comfortable treatment for optimal oral health.
Cyst Biopsy/Removal

What Exactly Is

Cyst Biopsy/Removal

At Curedentalclinic in Rawalpindi, we offer comprehensive cyst biopsy/removal services to address oral cysts effectively. An oral cyst is a fluid-filled sac that can develop within the oral cavity, often due to infections, dental trauma, or underlying dental conditions. Our experienced dental professionals are skilled in diagnosing and treating oral cysts to ensure optimal oral health for our patients.

During a cyst biopsy, our team will carefully examine and evaluate the cyst to determine its nature and potential risks. We utilize advanced diagnostic tools and imaging techniques to accurately assess the size, location, and characteristics of the cyst. This information is crucial in developing a personalized treatment plan tailored to the individual’s needs.

When it comes to cyst removal, our priority is patient comfort and safety. Our dental professionals employ gentle and minimally invasive techniques to remove the cyst while preserving surrounding healthy tissues. We strive to create a calm and relaxing environment for our patients, ensuring a positive experience throughout the procedure.

After the cyst removal, our team will provide thorough post-operative care instructions to promote proper healing and minimize any potential discomfort. We are committed to delivering high-quality care and achieving the best possible outcomes for our patients. Trust Curedentalclinic in Rawalpindi for professional and compassionate cyst biopsy/removal services.

Cyst Biopsy/Removal Procedure

The procedure for cyst biopsy/removal at Curedentalclinic involves several steps to ensure a successful outcome:

Consultation and Examination:

Our dental professionals will conduct a comprehensive examination of your oral cavity, including the suspected cyst area. They will review your medical history, discuss any symptoms you may have, and perform a visual inspection and palpation to assess the cyst’s size, location, and characteristics.

Diagnostic Imaging:

To obtain detailed images of the cyst, we may utilize advanced diagnostic tools such as X-rays, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), or ultrasound. These imaging techniques help us visualize the cyst’s internal structures and determine its relationship with surrounding teeth, bone, and tissues.

Local Anesthesia:

Before the biopsy/removal procedure, we will administer local anesthesia to numb the area and ensure your comfort throughout the process. Sedation options may also be available for patients with anxiety or specific needs.

Cyst Biopsy:

If the nature of the cyst requires further examination, a biopsy may be performed. During this procedure, a small sample of tissue from the cyst is carefully extracted and sent to a laboratory for analysis. The biopsy results will help determine the appropriate treatment approach.

Cyst Removal:

In cases where cyst removal is necessary, our skilled dental professionals will perform the procedure using minimally invasive techniques. The cyst is carefully excised from the surrounding tissues while preserving as much healthy tissue as possible. The area is then cleaned and sutured to promote proper healing.

Post-operative Care:

After the procedure, we will provide detailed instructions for post-operative care, including proper oral hygiene practices, dietary recommendations, and any necessary medications. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor the healing process and ensure optimal recovery.

At Curedentalclinic, we prioritize patient comfort, safety, and personalized care throughout the entire cyst biopsy/removal procedure. Our experienced dental team is dedicated to delivering exceptional results and promoting your overall oral health.


You can request an appointment via completing the form below. Our staff will get back to you with availability best matched to your request. If you have a dental emergency
please call us at: +92-300-1533570

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